Editorial notice

Provider Identification pursuant to the Telemedien Act (TMG):

futurum bank AG
Hochstraße 35-37
60313 Frankfurt am Main

A company of the Bitcoin Group SE

Tel: +49.5221.85411-25 We do not offer support by phone at the moment! Please use our contact form.
Fax: +49.5221.85411-29

Bitcoin.de cannot currently offer telephone customer service! The telephone and fax numbers are used for legal information requirements and concerns that do not directly concern customer service. We thank you for your understanding!

Are you interested in Bitcoin or have you just registered at Bitcoin.de? Then please note the following information:

  • The article "Registering at Bitcoin.de " explains step by step how to register on Bitcoin.de.
  • The article "My first Bitcoin" explains the marketplace and how to buy Bitcoins on Bitcoin.de.
  • If you have specific questions, you can reach our customer service using our contact form. Please ask questions about a purchase contract that has already been concluded on the detail page of the respective trade under “Contact Support”.

E-Mail: info2025 [at] bitcoin [dot] de

Company's registered office: Frankfurt am Main
Year of foundation: 1983
Court of Registration: HRB 117044 Frankfurt am Main
Board of Management: Moritz Eckert, Anton Langbroek
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Müller, MdB
Tax Authority: Frankfurt am Main
VAT ID No.: DE227219219
Responsible for Content: Michael Nowak
BaFin ID: 118938

Futurum bank AG has been approved by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht to provide financial services. The bank is subject to supervision by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, www.bafin.de.

Legal Directions

  1. futurum bank AG provides the investment of financial instruments pursuant to §1 Abs. 1a Satz 2 Nr. 1 futurum bank AG acts on its own account. Customers are able to assert all claims arising from intermediary activities directly against futurum bank AG.
  2. Should this internet presence be linked to other external sites not operated by futurum bank AG, then futurum bank AG bears no responsibility for the content of those sites.

Possibility of appeal

For complaints, please refer to our customer information complaint management

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