Announce safety leaks and weak points

We set value on security during the development of . For safety questions our team will be regularly trained at external companies. A specialized company executes our platform for securities audis and penetrations tests.

Your efforts can contribute to make more safe.

You can also make our platform even more secure. Please inform us immediately, if you find safety leaks! Please let us know so that we can close the leaks as quick as possible.

Bug Bounty - we reward your effort

We will reward your effort at The rate depends on the size and relevance of the safety leaks.

Please describe the weak points as exact as possible so that we are able to find them quickly and reproduce the faults. Please state the depending URL, state the single steps which you did before getting the fault and send us a screenshot.

How to announce safety leaks at

For detailed information of safety leaks, please use the below stated form:

Security check *

... or send us an e-mail to

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