Why don´t I receive the confirmation link?
After your registration on bitcoin.de, our system will automatically and within a few moments send you an e-mail with a link to confirm your registration to the provided e-mail address.
If you do not receive this e-mail sent by our system very reliably and without delay, one of the following problems may occur:
The e-mail is recognized as spam by your mail provider or mail server
In any case, please check the mailbox spam folder to see, if our e-mail was mistakenly identified as spam. If you use a freemailer like gmx.de, web.de or freenet.de, check the spam folder directly in the web interface of the respective mail provider.
You have already created an account at the given e-mail address in the past
If necessary, you can try the "password-forgotten"-function once to restore access to an account created in the past. If this is not possible, please contact our customer service directly via the contact form. We are happy to examine your case in detail.
When entering your e-mail address, you made a typo
If you have accidentally made a typo when entering your e-mail address, our system will not be able to deliver the email with the confirmation link. To exclude this problem, simply try the registration again. Please make sure to select a different username than the one chosen with your first attempt of registration.
Additional information:
Why do I receive an error message by using the confirmation link?