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Current Bitcoin price:EUR €62,422.42
(as of: 10/18/24 3:30 AM)

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Trend of Bitcoin quotation in the past 48 hours in EUR

Your benefits as a customer of

  • Largest Bitcoin marketplace in Europe with over 1,050,000 customers
  • First and so far only Bitcoin marketplace worldwide trading with audited Bitcoin customer portfolios by a publically accredited auditing company (last audit as per 08.01.2024, next audit in spring 2025)
  • Over 98% of the Bitcoin customer portfolios are stored offline
  • All servers are located in secure data processing centers in Germany
  • Regular security audits by external companies
  • Advantage of a market place such as your funds always remain on your own bank account covered by statutory deposit insurance. Most Bitcoin exchanges on the contrary hold your funds as a rule unsecured on the company bank account of the exchange operator with the risk of a total loss should the exchange operator become insolvent.
  • Other advantages are the Bug Bounty program, encrypted email transmission and much more

Find out more about Bitcoins

Our Bitcoin chart shows you the current Bitcoin price (abbreviation: BTC) as well as the Bitcoin market trend (Bitcoin charts). The Bitcoin price is shown to you either in the Bitcoin Euro price or the Bitcoin dollar price. The price of the Bitcoin is determined from the current market price and the Bitcoin charts from the different marketplaces and stock exchanges (Bitcoin Exchange). If you would like to purchase Bitcoins, you can register here. You can find out how to sell or purchase Bitcoins in our FAQs and in our tutorial "My first Bitcoin". At the moment, you can purchase one Bitcoin starting at 61,845.00 Euros. As an alternative, you can also create Bitcoins yourself with a so-called Bitcoin Miner. You need an especially equipped personal computer for Bitcoin Mining, also called Bitcoin Rig. A Bitcoin Client is required to use the digital currency, which manages your so-called Bitcoin wallet. As an alternative, you can use your account at as a Bitcoin online wallet to safely manage your Bitcoins. You can find further information in our German speaking Bitcoin forum or Bitcoin blog.

Bitcoin - The Movie

Latest trade deals BTC / EUR

Date addl. Info Price Amount Volume
10/18/24 3:38 AM * Common SEPA-transfer 62000.00 0.00960000 595.20
10/18/24 3:29 AM * Common SEPA-transfer 61800.00 0.10000000 6180.00
10/18/24 3:11 AM Common SEPA-transfer 62989.99 0.00500000 314.94
10/18/24 1:37 AM * Common SEPA-transfer 61700.00 0.01000000 617.00
10/18/24 1:25 AM Common SEPA-transfer 63196.82 0.00158236 100.00
10/18/24 1:06 AM Common SEPA-transfer 62799.99 0.00700000 439.59
10/18/24 12:08 AM * Common SEPA-transfer 61079.12 0.00710100 433.72
10/18/24 12:06 AM Common SEPA-transfer 62797.82 0.00159242 100.00
10/17/24 11:38 PM * Common SEPA-transfer 60001.02 0.00450000 270.00
10/17/24 11:31 PM * Common SEPA-transfer 60328.00 0.00100000 60.32
* trade deal not completed yet


October 11, 2016 11:20 AM

Scalability and Fungibility: two sides of the same Bitcoin

Found at Scaling Bitcoin in Milan. On October 8th and 9th the Bitcoin-World met in Milan to listen to presentations about scalability and discuss in workshops. We report in several articles about the event. The first piece is about a surprising issue ? fungibility ? and its eye-opening correlation to scalability.

to the blog
July 28, 2016 11:00 AM

"It tells you something about the fact that money right now is being profoundly ungrounded. It is up for question."

Bill Maurer is an anthropologist at the University of California, Irvine. He is one of a few scientists of the Arts who researched virtual currencies like Bitcoin. In this interview he explains what Bitcoin can tell us about money in the early 21th century ? and why he finds it weird to think that money needs to be a commodity. [...]

to the blog
May 17, 2016 5:31 PM

"There is no way to make money with the wallet itself."

Mycelium is one of the most popular Bitcoin wallets since 2013. We spoke with product manager Dimitrij (known as Rassah) about the history of Mycelium, the challenges in wallet development and the plan for an upcoming big release. [...]

to the blog

Press reports

  • Spiegel Online
    Spiegel Online

    „Leading in Germany is”

  • Heise Online
    Heise Online

    „There is no way around”

  • t3n

    „Here is recommended, a provider who [...] can be seen as reputable and reliable thanks to regular security audits.”

  • Handelsblatt

    „...the local market leader,”

    „The benefits: private investors don't have to pay in advance and send money to exchanges based in China or the USA.”